
Select any soldier to learn more:

Private Thomas Alexander Gavinski

Thomas (Tom) Alexander Gavinski was born in Renfrew, Ontario on August 27th, 1924 to Alexander and Veronica Gavinski. Thomas was the third oldest of six children who were raised in a busy household. From oldest to youngest, Catherine, Margaret, Thomas, James, Alexander and Barbara. Tom graduated high school from Renfrew Collegiate.  Of the six children, three served in uniform during WWII: Margaret was a Sergeant in the Canadian Woman’s Army Corps, Tom served in the Army, and James served with the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve.

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Private Arthur Wellington Hodge

Arthur Wellington Hodge was born on September 7, 1925, to Joseph and Florence Hodge in Bruce Township. He was the second oldest of 15 siblings, listed from eldest to youngest: Victor, Arthur, Frederick, Grace, Rose, Glen, Albert, Charlie, Marjorie, Helen, Raymond, Donald, Gladys, Carleen, and Shirley. Arthur grew up in a bustling household in Port Elgin, Ontario. Arthur attended the local school, completing Grade 8 by age 13 before choosing to leave school to help support his family financially. At that time, Arthur found employment with Kolps Farm where he remained until he enlisted in the military.

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Private Stanley Howard MacLellan

Stanley Howard MacLellan was born on March 31, 1924 to Norman and Marian MacLellan (née Currie), in Wadena, Saskatchewan.  Stan was the third child, having an older sister Mabel and brother Gordon, and a younger brother Russell who died in infancy. His father came from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and his mother’s family emigrated from London, England to Saskatchewan, just before World War I.  Six of his maternal uncles volunteered and returned overseas.  The youngest uncle, Edmund V. Currie was killed at Vimy Ridge, and his death had a significant impact on the family. His grandparents, Grampa and Gramma Currie received a letter from the King of England commending them for having six sons in service. 

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Private James Edgar Chambers

James Edgar Chambers Jr. was born 1918 in Toronto, Ontario Canada to his parents James A. Chambers Sr. and Evelyn M. Callow.  James Sr. was from the U.S.A. and immigrated to Canada and served in the Canadian military during World War 1.  James Sr. was 22 years old when he met Evelyn, who was 16 at the time of their marriage and they settled in the Toronto area.  They married in December 1917. James was raised by his grandparents in Toronto.

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Private Harry Dzeoba

Harry Dzeoba was born in Dryden, Ontario on May 26th, 1925 to his parents Peter and Ann Dzeoba. Peter and Ann emigrated from Ukraine to Canada in search of greater opportunities. He was raised in a very busy home with 5 siblings – 3 sisters, and 2 brothers. Harry attended Rice Lake School and then Dryden High School before joining the workforce.

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Lieutenant Eric L. Burdon

Eric Leslie Burdon was born on October 13th, 1921 in Moncton, New Brunswick to his parents, Walter M. Burdon and Alvaretta Bleakney. Eric attended high school in Moncton.  He worked several jobs before eventually joining the military, serving briefly with the New Brunswick Rangers before World War II.  Eric’s father, Walter M. Burdon had previously served in the Canadian military from the age of 17. Walter saw action during World War I while serving with the Black Watch Regiment. He was gassed and bayonetted at the Battle of Ypres and taken prisoner by the Germans.  After the war, Walter moved to Moncton, New Brunswick, where he spent a considerable amount of time in a sanatorium, due to his injuries from the war. This is where he met his future wife, Alvaretta.

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Private Victor William Hodge

Victor William Hodge was born on February 24, 1924 to Joseph and Florence Hodge in Bruce Township. He was the eldest of 15 children, from oldest to youngest as follows: Victor, Arthur, Frederick, Grace, Rose, Glen, Albert, Charlie, Marjorie, Helen, Raymond, Donald, Gladys, Carleen and Shirley.   He was raised in a very busy home in Port Elgin, Ontario.  Victor attended the local school and completed Grade 8 at the age of 13 before he decided to leave school.

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Private Henry Edward Guenther

Henry Edward Guenther was born on October 24, 1920 in London, Ontario.  He was the youngest of four children raised by their parents Alan and Barbara Guenther.  Henry attended the local school in London and was a good student. He was actively involved in many sports such as hockey, baseball, boxing, and gymnastics during his formative years, proving to be very athletic.  At the age of 16, he completed 2 years at the London Technical School for bookkeeping and general business. From 1936 through 1941, he worked various odd jobs – from delivery boy at a butcher shop to factory work), before he secured a permanent job at Kellogg.

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Private Edwin Marshall 

Edwin David Marshall was born in Toronto, Ontario on December 18, 1923. His parents were Daisy Hedge and Frederick Charles Marshall.  Fred Marshall had served during World War I in the British Army.  Ed had an older brother, who died before he was born of measles, and an older sister, Marjorie.  Ed went to the Duke of Connaught Junior Public School and then Riverdale Collegiate. He played some sports – hockey and baseball. He attended school until Grade 10. 

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Private Malcolm Jacques Sykes

Malcolm was born in Toronto Ontario on September 1st, 1925, and raised in Victoria Harbour.  He attended a local school and completed grade eight before leaving to join the workforce.  His father, Malcolm Sykes Senior was a first-mate while working aboard cargo ships on the Great Lakes. His mother, Mary Jacques served as a nurse in England during World War I. She then moved to Canada where she met and married Malcolm Sr.         

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Private Gordon Duncan McIntyre

Gordon Duncan McIntyre was born in Russell, Manitoba on February 9th, 1924. He was the second child of five born to Muriel Ivy and Adam Duncan (“Dunc”) McIntyre, who also had two younger sons and two daughters. When he was six years old, Gordon’s family moved to Vista, in the municipality of Rossburn, where from 1929-1945 his father worked as a grain buyer for United Grain Growers Ltd.  Gordon attended Islay School in the Vista district, ending his education in Grade 10.  During his youth, he preferred the outdoors to study and was happy helping local farmers with their harvests. 

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Sergeant Orville Kenneth Skelton

Orville Kenneth Skelton was born on June 18th, 1912 in Carman, Manitoba to his parents Alexander Henry Skelton and Alice Florence (Terry) Skelton, who were of Irish descent.  He was one of five children, raised in a busy home.  His oldest brother, Lenard Harold Skelton served in the military during WW1.  Orville spent most of his childhood and adolescence in Carman, where he attended the local school and completed grade 10 at the age of 17.   During his teen years, he enjoyed playing hockey; he often played goalie for the provincial Royal Bank Hockey Team. After he graduated from high school, Orville secured a job with the Royal Bank for the next 10 years (1930 – 1940).

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Sergeant John Gilbert Sheridan

John Gilbert Sheridan was born on July 25th 1926 to his biological parents Bill and Hazel Sheridan. John and his older sister Madge were raised in Hamilton, Ontario where he attended Central High School. He was a good student, but also proved to be a natural athlete and participated in many sports during his teen years, excelling at football and receiving an award as his high school team’s most outstanding player

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Private William Renwick 

William Renwick was born on January 31, 1925, in Hamilton, Ontario.  William and his sister, Shirley were raised by their parents James and Margaret.  William started working full-time at National Steel Car when he was 14 years old.  In 1941 at 16 years of age, he enlisted in the military, lying about his age. A couple of years later, William learned about the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion recruiting only the best men.  William requested a transfer and would be successful in completing all the battery of testing.  William was then sent to Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S.A. for his parachute course.  He graduated from his parachute course on March 6, 1943, and was now a proud paratrooper.  He joined the Battalion in the UK and began training for their next mission. He showed maturity and leadership potential and was promoted to Lance Corporal.

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Sergeant Michael Luchak 

Michael Luchak was born on November 3, 1919, into a large family of eight children in Vancouver, B.C.  Michael had three brothers and four sisters, being raised by his parents, who were Ukrainian immigrants.  His father, Nicholas Luchack was working long hours as a machinist to support his family.  While his mother was a homemaker and caregiver to the children.

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Captain Frederick Emerson Lewis

Frederick Emerson Lewis was born on April 6, 1921 in Sydney, Nova Scotia to his parents Benjamin Archibald and Ethyl Hardy Lewis.  He was one of six children, having two older brothers and three sisters, being raised in a farming community.  During his formative years, Lewis grew up quickly, as he contributed to the household by taking on responsibilities at a young age while also attending school. Lewis attended a local school during his early years. He completed grade 8 when he decided to leave school to join the workforce.  Lewis was a skilled sheet metal worker by trade who was later educated through the machine and tool technical college.  

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Private Roger William Hodgson 

Roger William Hodgson was born June 26, 1925, in Massillon Ohio, United States.  Roger was the oldest of two siblings, having a brother named Eugene Thomas Hodgson.  The two boys were raised by their parents Lloyd Thomas and Mabel Elizabeth Hodgson in Massillon Ohio.   

During his formative years, Roger attended Harvey Elementary School, then Lorin Andrews Junior High and finally Massillon Washington High School where he graduated in 1942.  Roger was a good student who led an active life as a young boy and was multitalented.  

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Private James Joseph Miklos 

James (Jim) Joseph Miklos was born October 10, 1922, in the small village of Montraballa, Hungary.  He was the only son and the middle child of Alexander and Elizabeth (nee Kun).  He had an older sister Elizabeth and a younger sister Mary.

Jim emigrated to Canada at the age of 5 with his mother and older sister in the summer of 1927.  His father arrived two years earlier in 1925 and worked to support himself and to save enough money to pay the way for his family to join him.

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Private James Alexander McCann 

James (Jim) Alexander McCann was born in Glasgow, Scotland on September 22, 1923.  He was one of eight children born to James Sr. and Elizabeth (McKillen).  When Jim turned five years of age, the family immigrated to Canada, settling in Verdun, Quebec in search of a new beginning.  Jim had completed grade five at St. Willibroad Elementary School when he decided to leave in order to work and help support his family.  He began secured employment with a company called Workman Uniform and became their head shipper at the age of 15. Workman Uniform had a contract for producing uniforms for the military during that time.      

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Private Andrew McNally 

Andrew (Andy) McNally was born on May 24, 1924, in the District of Dromore, Union of Omagh, in the County of Tyrone Northern Ireland, to Parents Andrew and Annie (McCormick) McNally.  Andy’s father was a Sergeant in the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) and Mother Annie was a member of the Catholic Parish. It was a dangerous thing at the time, for Protestants and Catholics to marry but marry they did.  Andrew Sr. had been offered a position with the Vancouver Police department in Canada and after careful consideration, Andrew and Annie left Northern Ireland, with now 2 sons in tow, Andy and Albert. They boarded a ship in England called The Madagamon and began their journey, arriving in Canada in May of 1927.

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Lt. Colonel Jevon Albert Nicklin

Jevon Albert "Jeff" Nicklin was born December 10, 1914, at Fort William, Ontario. He was the son of Percy Harold and Eva Louise Nicklin.  Jeff was raised during the great depression and learned from a young age the importance of a good work ethic. 

Jeff during his teen years was a natural athlete and excelled at team sports and became a football sensation.  He was an all-star with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and was part of the team’s Grey Cup victories in both 1935 and 1939.  World War 2 was in full momentum and he cut his career short in order to enlist with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles as a young officer.  Jeff would then marry his longtime girlfriend Mary Eileen Nicklin on September 14, 1940, later settling in Port Credit, Ontario.

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Private Richard Mar

Richard Mar was born in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 19, 1917, he was one of three children. Richard’s parents immigrated to Canada from China in search of a better life for their family. Richard was very studious and completed his grade 12 education, excelling in mathematics.  He was also fluent in both English and Mandarin.  As a young man, Richard worked as a foreman at a fishery canning company. 

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Sergeant Daniel Ronald Hartigan

In 1942, Daniel Hartigan was an 18-year-old Corporal in the Canadian Dental Corps stationed in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
On 22 December 1942, Hartigan boarded a train for Fort Benning, Georgia to begin parachute training in the newly-formed Canadian Parachute Corps. 

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Private John Martin

John Martin was born June 3rd, 1924 in St. John New Brunswick.  His parents Alfred and Rosina Martin had 12 children, two of who tragically died during their childhood. Of the 10 children remaining, John was Sixth in the birth order. The Martin family moved to Burnaby, British Columbia when John was 10 years old. John continued his education there and completed grade 9 before he decided to join the workforce.   

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Private Gordon Asa Milburn

Gordon was born on November 10, 1919, in Chatham Township.  He was one of nine children having two sisters and six brothers, growing up in a very busy household and learning about responsibility at an early age.  Gordon was 20 years old when World War 2 began and the recruiting campaign was in full motion with the promise of full-time employment, world travel and adventure.  This appealed to Gordon, he was young and fit and wanting to serve his country.  He enlisted in the military and completed his basic training in hope of getting overseas to see some action. It wasn’t long before Gordon heard about the Paratroops looking for only the best candidates.  Gordon was eager for the challenge and requested a transfer.   

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Private Gordon Werring Barnett

Gordon Werring Barnett was born on February 27th, 1925 and raised on the family farm near St. Marys, Ontario, Canada. Gordon was the 4th generation born on the family farm that had been first settled in 1853. His parents Isaac and Mary Barnett had four children, Gordon was the second youngest. He had one younger brother and an older sister and brother.  He was a gifted athlete who enjoyed playing baseball and hockey throughout his formative years.  Gordon and his family attended the United Church of Canada on a weekly basis.  

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Private Joseph Elmer Tansley 

Joseph Elmer Tansley was born on April 11, 1924 in a country home in rural St. George Ontario. It was said that Joseph caused his mother twenty-four hours of hard labour, for which she never forgave him. Joseph was the oldest of five children born to Earl and Grace Tansley. Joseph had three sisters named Margaret, Ruth and Gail.  His only brother Douglas also served in the military during World War II.  The family grew up farming, apples and pigs primarily. It was a hard life during the great depression taking goods to market but they learned a good work ethic early in life.  He developed many skills growing up on the farm and often referred to as a “jack of all trades”. 

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Corporal Matthew A. Phillips 

Corporal Matthew Andrew Phillips was born on the farm near Pipestone Manitoba on October 10, 1920, he was the second youngest of sixteen children. His parents, Mathew and Bertha Phillips immigrated to Canada from Ireland in the late 1800s in search of greater opportunities in order to raise a family.  Matthew attended a local school in the Pipestone region and worked for his father on the family farm until finishing school. Matthew and a couple of his brothers ventured out to do contracting work as Threshing Gangs.

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Private James Richard Dillon Jr. 

James Dillon Jr. was born in Ontario, Canada to his parents James and Maude Dillon on May 9, 1921.  James Dillon Sr. served during World War 1 with the 42nd Battalion of the Black Watch. The Dillon family was of Irish descent, settling in Canada as their new home.  James was an intelligent and studious young man, he completed four years at a Technical High School, later attending two more years of night school at the Ontario College of Arts.  James was residing at 76 Dixon Avenue in Toronto and working as a Commercial Artist at the time he decided to enlist in the army.

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Lieutenant William Angus Jenkins

William (Bill) Angus Jenkins was born in New York City, U.S.A. 1916 to parents Hugh Alexander Jenkins and Florence Anne MacInnes.  At the age of 13, William and his mother Florence immigrated to Canada where they settled in Braddech Sydney, Turo for several years.  They eventually relocated to Sackville, New Brunswick where later, his mother, unfortunately, took ill and died.   

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Private Wilfred William Watt

Private Wilfred Watt was born in the township of Oakner, Manitoba on November 20, 1920. He was the fifth of six children (2 boys and 4 girls) of William and Charlotte (Turney) Watt. He grew up attending Oakner’s three-room - 4 grades per room school playing traditional prairie sports like hockey and baseball and working on the farm from an early age. When Wilfred left school, he picked up odd jobs; even riding the rails to Alberta to work on threshing gangs.

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Private Douglas Archibald Bumstead

Douglas Archibald Bumstead was born in Broderick, Saskatchewan on January 11, 1924. He was the oldest of five boys.   His parents, Archibald (Archie) Bumstead and Edna (Addie) Adeline Petty were both from Ontario. Their families had moved west to homestead near Outlook, Saskatchewan where Archie and Addie met, married and decided to settle to raise their five boys and take over the family farm. In 1926 they had 1,000 acres of the crop cut down by hailstones as large as duck eggs.  Douglas, along with 2 of his brothers and cousins attended Garden Valley School until their return to Ontario. 

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Private Georges-Henri Moffatt 

Joseph Georges-Henri Moffatt was born on April 19, 1922, he was the youngest of two boys.  Georges-Henri and his older brother Rolland were raised by their parents, Georges Moffatt and Parmelia Despaties in Montreal, Canada.  Georges-Henri attended Chomedey School and by the time he completed grade 7, he decided to leave school and secure employment in order to assist his family financially.  From 1936 to 1940, Georges-Henri accepted a variety of job opportunities such as a messenger and apprentice printer along with several general labour positions. 

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Private Lloyd Mackenzie

Lloyd Colin Mackenzie was an only child, born on November 5, 1914 in Lethbridge, Alberta. His father, John Lloyd MacKenzie left for WWI shortly thereafter. His father remained in England until his passing in 1970. Lloyd’s mother Pearl sent Lloyd to live with his Paternal Grandparents, Colin and Annie, in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. Upon Annies’ passing in 1926, Lloyd was sent to live with his mother in Drumheller, Alberta who had since remarried to Colin McDougall. At the age of 14, Lloyd started working in the coal mines in Drumheller. During the late 1930s, Lloyd and a friend went to work on the John Wight Ranch east of Ponoka, Alberta. Here he met a girl named Constance Wight and fell in love.    

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Brigadier James Hill was a World War II Commander, who joined the British Airborne Forces at an early stage, fought in North Africa and went on to play a vital role in the D-Day landings and the crossing of the Rhine.

After education at Marlborough and Sandhurst, Hill joined the 2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers, the family regiment, in 1931. Although he left the regular army in 1936 to marry, he rejoined at the outbreak of war and was immediately sent out to France spending a very cold Christmas in 1939 on the Maginot Line.

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Major Richard Cornell Hilborn, MiD

Major Hilborn was born May 10, 1918 in Preston, Ontario and was the second child of four. He was accepted into the Royal Military College (R.M.C.) in Kingston, Ontario on September 4, 1937. He attended the Militia camp during the summer as a 2nd Lieutenant attached to the Highland Light Infantry. When the war broke out, Hilborn left R.M.C. on December 20, 1939, reported to the Military District #2 (Toronto) and joined the Toronto Scottish Regiment. He had not yet completed his degree but promised himself he would do so as soon as the war was over. He was taken on strength with the Machine Gun Training Centre on January 1, 1940 and later qualified as Mortarman.

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Major Kenneth Arril, CD

Kenneth James Arril was born January 27, 1918 in Port Arthur, Ontario. He first enlisted with the Lake Superior Regiment in 1932, and was quickly promoted to L/Cpl. on May 7 of that same year.  A few years later on April 19, 1938, he was promoted to Sergeant. That same year he transferred to Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) in Winnipeg. Arril was promoted to Warrant Officer Class II (WO2) on July 26, 1941. He was then transferred to A27 Reconnaissance Training Centre in Dundurn, Saskatchewan where he qualified as Driver (Wheel & Track). Having potential for leadership, Arril was made Officer Cadet in 1942 and completed the requisite training to be commissioned. 

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Major John Hanson, M.C.

John Philip Hanson was born in Salisbury, England on June 24, 1916 and was one of 7 children. His father was Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Hanson, OBE. The Hanson family immigrated to Canada and settled in Quebec, where Hanson became fluent in both English and French. He attended Herbert Simon Public School in Montreal, Westmount High School and Sir George Williams University. He was very much a well-rounded athlete, being actively involved in several sports such as football, boxing, water polo, tennis, swimming, track & field, hockey and skiing. Hanson was employed as a construction foreman just prior to enlisting in the military.

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Company Sergeant Major (CSM) George William Green, D.C.M., M.M.

Sgt. Major Green moved to Canada from Cresskill, New Jersey, U.S.A. and was a mechanic by trade. Green joined the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps on November 3, 1941 and qualified as a Class 3 (Wheel & Track) driver on April 25, 1942. Green was promoted to A/Cpl on January 9, 1943 and promoted again to A/Sgt by July 6, 1943. He had also qualified as a mechanic on June 30, 1943. 

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Sergeant Darrel L. Harris

Sgt. Harris was born on October 29, 1921 in Cardston, Alberta. He was the eldest of four boys and three girls who were raised in a tiny house in Magrath during the depression.

On September 10, 1939, Canada declared war on Germany and 13 days later Harris presented himself at the recruiting office in Calgary where he received his attestation papers to join the Army. He was quite pleased to learn he would be paid the sum of $1.30 per diem. The uniforms issued at that time were from the Great War period of 1914 - 1918 and Harris’s first set of army boots were second-hand. It didn’t take him long to wear them out, requiring a new set. During basic training, he received a Ross Rifle, also from WWI. Advance training took place at Camrose, Alberta.

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Sergeant Howard Ruebin Holloway was born in Middlesex, London England, before immigrating to Canada. He was raised in a family of 3 boys and 1 girl. Prior to enlisting in the Army, Holloway was a Drug Store Clerk for 6 months before changing jobs to Trucking for Harvey Flacombe in Saskatoon. By the time he enrolled in the army, his older brother was already serving with the RCAF. Holloway enlisted in the army at the 12 “A” District Depot in Saskatoon on December 13, 1941. 

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Sergeant John Peter Schlathau

John Peter Schlathau was born in Gleisdorf, Austria on June 2, 1920. His father immigrated to Canada in 1923 and was joined by the family in 1928, where they settled in Richmond, Saskatchewan. Within six months, Schlathau had learned English and joined Scouts Canada. The skills that he acquired in this organization enabled him to save his sister Joan who had a mishap and almost drowned in the North Saskatchewan River. Decades later on a family outing to Sauble Beach, Ontario, he saved the lives of his sister-in-law, a non-swimmer, who had run into the lake to assist his drowning son Martin.

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Sergeant Ronald F. Anderson

Sgt. Ronald Anderson was born November 3, 1922 in Toronto, Ontario.  

Anderson enlisted in the military, signing his attestation papers on June 18, 1940. Anderson served with the 2nd Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers from September 1940 to May 1941 and became a demolitions expert. He quickly went through the ranks until he was promoted to Sergeant. Anderson trained hundreds of troops in England prior to D-day.  Anderson was physically fit and eager to take on new challenges, so he requested a transfer to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.

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Corporal Frederick (Fred) George Topham, V.C.

Cpl. Topham was born on August 10, 1917, in Toronto, Ontario. While growing up there, he attended several local schools such as King George Public School and Runnymede High School. When Topham first got into the workforce he tried several different types of employment such as hard-rock miner, rubber worker at Goodyear and as well as at a saw company. He was residing at 631 Beresford Avenue in Toronto when he first enlisted with the 48th Highlanders. His service with the 48th was very short-lived, lasting only 30 days before he moved on to the Army Service Corps as a Medical Orderly. He was strong and athletic and it was recommended he join the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.

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Joseph Spisak Jr. was born in Hradiste, Czechoslovakia on October 13, 1920, to Julia and Joseph Sr. He was one of 5 children and left school after completing grade 9 in order to help support his family. Spisak was very athletic and participated in a variety of sports such as baseball, hockey and golf; he also enjoyed fishing. Spisak appeared to be a natural at everything he attempted and there seemed to be nothing he couldn’t do. He was also known to be a perfectionist and was very particular about details when it came to completing tasks. Prior to the war he had worked as a movie projectionist and had driven a milk truck. 

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Private Loyst Kelly

Kelly enlisted on May 11, 1943, in London, Ontario and taken on strength at 1 District Depot, transferring to #12 B.T.C Chatham, Ontario. Kelly donated blood before making another transfer to No. 10DD (AF) Winnipeg Manitoba. It wasn’t long before Kelly had his sights set on becoming a Paratrooper and requested a transfer. He transferred to Para wing from No. 12 Canadian Army Basic Training Centre (C.A.B.T.C.) Chatham, Ontario on August 6, 1943. On September 23, 1943, Kelly completed his parachute training to become a Paratrooper. This was a major accomplishment and a very proud day for Kelly. He went on to complete his Driver’s Course on December 13, 1943. 

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Private Jan de Vries, C.M.

Jan de Vries was born in Leeuwarden, Friesland, in the Netherlands on January 24, 1924 to Romke and Rinske de Vries.  He immigrated to Canada with his mother and older brother Hendrik in May1930.  They joined his father in East York, who had immigrated four years earlier.  Jan was enrolled in Secord Public School that September. Jan loved the outdoors, participated in a variety of sports, and was always ‘on the go’.  He spent many hours with friends at Dentonia Park near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenues.  A few doors from him on Sutherland Avenue lived his close friends Don and Fred Barnard.  Both Don and Fred eventually joined the Queens’ Own Rifles; sadly Don was killed on D-Day.

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L/Corporal James Moneypenny

James Moneypenny was the son of James Moneypenny Sr. and Annie Caldwell Moneypenny (nee Savage). He was born at Birkenhead, Cheshire, England on February 19, 1922.  At the time of his birth, his family moved to Ireland, Birkenhead just across the Mersey River from Liverpool where his father worked in the shipyards as an electrician.  On the 23 of January 1923, James' father accompanied his brothers John and William, who emigrated to the United States and settled in New York City arriving there on January 30.  They took up jobs in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. James, aged four and his mother Annie followed on June 23.  

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Private Esko Makela

Pte. Esko Makela was born on February 16, 1917, in Vaasa, Finland. He immigrated to Canada and found work as a tailor with a number of firms including the British Knit Co. and T. Eaton Co. He lived at 559 Norfolk Street North, Simcoe, Ontario and was a bandsman with the 25th (Norfolk) Field Brigade, Royal Canadian Artillery (Militia). Makela attempted to enlist in the Canadian Active Service Force in September of 1942 however he was not accepted due to his Finnish nationality. Determined to see combat, he persisted and was finally accepted into the Infantry on January 6, 1943. He was described as an aggressive, ambitious man, with high learning ability and keen to become a Paratrooper.

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Private Alan MacDonald Campbell

Pte. Alan Campbell was born in Ontario, Canada and was one of 5 children. Campbell was a Band Master for the Air Cadets and working as a musician, playing the trumpet in an orchestra before joining the military. He enlisted at No. 1 District Depot (Active Force) on March 9, 1944 in London, Ontario. The initial assessment described him as a tall 6’0” well-built young man with a pleasant personality. He was immediately sent to No. 12 Basic Training Centre in Chatham, Ontario and on March 31 he was officially assigned to the Canadian Infantry Corps.

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Private Edward Yakey

Pte. Edward Yakey was born in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada on March 16, 1923. He attended Kirkland High School while in his teenage years and enjoyed participating in a variety of sports, such as wrestling, hockey, rugby and baseball. Yakey was fluent in several languages such as English, Polish and Ukrainian. He was living at 279 Main Street East in Hamilton, Ontario and working as a machinist just prior to enlisting in the Canadian Armoured Corps on November 7, 1942. On February 24, 1943, Yakey was transferred to the 1st Chemical Warfare Mortar Company, Royal Canadian Engineers and on June 1, 1942, he was promoted to Lance Corporal. On September 6 he reverted to the rank of Sapper and the next day was posted to A6 Canadian Engineers Training Centre in Chilliwack, BC.

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Private Clarence David LaPierre

Pte. David LaPierre was born November 9, 1923, in Owen Sound, Ontario. His biological parents were David Booey and Rebeca Courtney but he was adopted right after birth by Marcel and Lillian LaPierre. He was raised in Owen Sound and attended the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Post-high school, LaPierre was employed as a moulder and produced a variety of cast items for a local business. LaPierre was residing at 1949 8th Avenue East in Owen Sound when he decided to travel to Toronto, Ontario to enlist in the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps on January 21, 1943.

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Private Ralph R. Kerr

Pte. Kerr grew up in Montreal, Quebec and was fluent in both French and English. He enlisted in the Army on September 21, 1942 and completed basic training shortly thereafter. Kerr requested a transfer to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion on February 1, 1943 and went on to complete his Parachute Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S.A. on March 7, 1943. A few months later, he was sent to the UK to be taken on strength with the Battalion. On May 1, 1944 Kerr was assigned to the Canadian Parachute Training Company.

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Private Edward F. Danz

Pte. Edward Danz was born on December 8, 1913 in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. He left school early at the age of 14 after his father died as a result of a drowning accident. It was a tough time for him and his family, so he worked several jobs such as pin boy at a local bowling alley, bell hop at the Windsor Hotel in Sault Ste. Marie and miner at Park Hill Gold Mines. Danz was married with 3 children and actively played several organized sports such as baseball and hockey. He was living at 88 Grace Street, Sault Ste. Marie and working as a crane operator for Algoma Steel Corporation when he enlisted on November 2, 1943. 

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Private Cleland Peter Harper Henson

Pte. Henson was born September 9, 1917 in Dresden, Ontario. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henson and reported to be the brother of Pte. Jehu William Josiah Henson, a descendent of the Rev. Josiah Henson. During his early years he worked as a Race Horse trainer before working as a butcher. He also worked as a Railway Porter before enlisting in the military. Henson worked under the Natural Resources Mobilization Act (N.R.M.A.) from October 9, 1940 to November 7, 1940.

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Private Claude Raymond Parker

Pte. Parker was born on January 27, 1925, in Whitney, New Brunswick. His father was Canadian and his mother from Wisconsin, U.S.A. He attended Whitney School while growing up and completed grade 8. He also enjoyed playing baseball regularly. His first job was farming but he worked several other odd jobs along the way before accepting full-time employment as a woodsman for a lumber company. With the war raging, Parker felt compelled to serve his country. He left the lumber company and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force (R.C.A.F.) on May 5, 1943.

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Private Frank Charles Ebl

Pte. Ebl was born on July 15, 1925 in Evergreen, Alberta and was the eldest of five boys. He grew up learning about farming and working for his father on their 320 acres of land. At the age of 18, he enlisted in the military on March 16, 1944 in Calgary and completed his Basic Training at Camrose, Alberta. He then received two additional weeks Advanced Infantry training. Ebl requested a transfer to the Paratroops and was accepted to do so.

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Private Victor Rueben Brownjohn

Pte Brownjohn was born April 9, 1924, in Barry, Wales. His family immigrated to Canada arriving in Quebec aboard the Montcalm on November 19, 1925, and continued on to Vancouver, British Columbia where they finally settled. Brownjohn enlisted in the Army on April 5, 1943, and was posted to the Seaforth Highlanders on September 10, 1943. He volunteered for the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion shortly thereafter. Brownjohn completed his Parachute Course at Shilo, Manitoba on December 4, 1943, and was an extremely proud Paratrooper. 

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RSM William Gerald Tobin

RSM Tobin briefly served with the Victoria Rifles of Canada, and then later joined Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) on September 18, 1940. He was selected to be amongst the very first group of 27 Canadian Paratroopers to be trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S.A. He completed his Parachute Course on September 11, 1942 and was a pioneer of the newly formed 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. 

He was promoted to Acting Company Sergeant Major (A/CSM) on May 26, 1943 and assigned to A-35 Canadian Parachute Training Centre (CPTC), Shilo Manitoba. Tobin was promoted once again on December 1, 1943 becoming the Regimental Sergeant Major of A-35 CPTC.

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Private Stephen Zysko

Pte. Zysko was born on April 25, 1925 in Kolonja Galezowska, Poland. In 1932 his family immigrated to Canada. During the early years of the Second World War, Zysko worked for the Canada Car & Foundry Company Ltd. It is here where he excelled at the construction of fighter aircraft, primarily the Hawker Hurricane and the Curtis Dive Bomber.

In 1944 he enlisted in the Canadian Army and joined the ranks of the elite 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. He completed one of his proudest accomplishments, graduating from his Parachutist Course at Shilo, Manitoba on October 31, 1944. 

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Private William Talbot

William George Talbot was born in Toronto on February 3, 1924, to Freda and Frederick Talbot.  During the First World War Fred served with the Second Battalion of the Canadian Mounted Rifles.  At the age of 28, he died of leukemia leaving Freda to raise 4-year-old Bill on her own.  Money was tight and at the age of 16, Bill left school to work and help with home expenses.

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Private Samuel Lange

Pte. Lange was born in Edmonton, Alberta on May 3, 1916. A prospector and miner by trade, he volunteered for service on October 28, 1943 at age 27. On 12 January 1944 he was transferred to the A-35 Canadian Parachute Training Centre, Camp Shilo, Manitoba. He received his Parachutist qualification one month later and on June 1, 1944 he qualified as 3” Mortarman.

On July 8, 1944 Lange embarked for the UK to “proceed on special duty”. On July 26, 1944 he was assigned to the 1 Canadian Parachute Training Company (1CPTC) as Mortarman Instructor. The 1 Can Para War Diary outlines 1CPTC’s participation as the ENEMY Force in Exercise “FOG”, October 1944 at Carter Barracks, Bulford.

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Private Allan Charles Morley

Allan Morley was born May 14, 1924, in Mossbank, Saskatchewan, to his parents Stanley Orlando Morley and Mary Loretta (Smith). Allan was one of six children who were raised in the Kinloch, Saskatchewan area. He grew up quickly in a busy household, learning about farming and responsibilities at an early age. Allan also learned how to shoot a rifle at a young age and was known for his precision.  During his teen years, World War II was in full momentum and Allan was eager to serve in the military, where he could apply his shooting skills and serve his country. 

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Private Leo Royal Lohn

Pte. Lohn was born October 14, 1925 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and his family later moved to Toronto, Ontario where he attended high school at Parkdale Collegiate. He was originally a member of the Merchant Marine in St. Johns during the war, but it wasn’t long before he had his sights set on becoming a Paratrooper. At 5’9 and 142 lbs, he was physically fit and eager to take on new challenges, so he requested a transfer to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.

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Corporal Jean P. Desabrais

Cpl. Desabrais was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. He enlisted in the Infantry in October 1941 and transferred to the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (RCAMC) in 1942.

He was promoted to Corporal that same year. Desabrais requested a transfer to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion in 1943 and completed his Parachute Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S.A. on February 13, 1943. He parachuted into France during Operation Overlord on June 6, 1944 and also served in Belgium and Germany.

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Corporal Donald Scott Ticknor

Donald Scott Ticknor was born and raised in Darlingford, Manitoba and worked as a farmer. He originally served with "A" Squadron of the Manitoba Mounted Rifles Defence Force from June of 1941 to December 1942. Wanting to see action, he transferred to the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion and completed his Parachute Course at the school in Ringway, England on September 11, 1943. Ticknor served in B Company, 5 Platoon and first saw action when he parachuted into Normandy on June 6, 1944 during Operation Overlord.

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Corporal Roulston Harper

Cpl. Roulston Harper was born on October 16, 1924 in Toronto Ontario. He was the youngest of three children, having a brother William and sister Maureen. Harper’s parents immigrated to Canada from Ireland in search of greater opportunities for their family, his mother Mary from Belfast and his father Charles from Dunagal, Ireland.  Harper’s father joined the police force and made a career for himself over the next 30 years.

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